Saturday, December 29, 2007


Each teacher will produce a class website, a class blog, a professional portfolio and an individual professional development plan.

The professional plan should align to the teacher standards and the technology standards. A group of teachers will create a criteria for what the plan should include. It does not need to be a complex, academic document; but rather a clear, usable plan of where the teacher wants to improve in education. In addition, the plan will be integrated into the professional development courses, so that teachers do not have to work on it outside of professional development hours.

From there, teachers will have specific assessments connected to the professional plan, so that they can measure whether or not they are meeting their specified goals. The assessment portion will connect to the skills teachers need to learn and to what the students will learn as a result.

Each Individual Plan Will Include:

  • Individualized self-assessment based upon the Arizona teaching standards. This will lead a teacher to realizing his or her strengths and weaknesses.
  • Plan for obtaining further professional development in areas of weaknesses.
  • Plan for utilizing current professional skills - whether it is in mentoring fellow teachers or improving methods of teaching these skills to the students.
  • Goals for which skills the teacher will obtain by the end of the semester
  • Goals for how students will use the new-found skills
  • Assessment - to be filled out by students, teachers and administrators.
  • Post-Assessment / Reflection regarding whether or not the teacher met the specific goals

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